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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rhian takes a stand against celebrities endorsing candidates

Source: Manila Bulletin

A few months ago, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting stirred up a controversy regarding its stand on celebrities endorsing political candidates while media personalities insisted on their right to freedom of expression.

Not all artists share the same belief.

TV actress and singer Rhian Ramos shared her stand regarding the issue in an interview with the reporters during a recent “Party Pilipinas” taping at the Araneta Coliseum.

“I am very against endorsing because the wealthy has greater edge over the others,” Rhian said.

Rhian added that running should not really be a matter of wealth – the very reason why she did not accept any of the political commercials offered to her.

“I could not let that overtake my belief.”

Even though her bet among the May 2010 presidential candidates is not the most charismatic, she added that she likes him because he doesn’t spent a fortune on advertising.

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