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Saturday, April 3, 2010

EDITORIAL - Day of renewal

Source: Philippine Star

After a week of solemn contemplation, Christendom celebrates today a great miracle of the faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Asia’s only predominantly Catholic country, Easter Sunday is a day for family gatherings. Amid the celebration, including increasing interest in Easter egg hunts, many of the faithful remember that this is a day of redemption from sin, of spiritual renewal.

Foreign observers have wondered why, in a country where many profess to be devout Catholics, corruption has derailed development for several decades. In word and deed, politics has become a blood sport in this country, with people prepared to kill for government positions with measly pay. The Holy Week did not stop candidates and their partisans in various sectors, including some who like to portray themselves as deeply religious, from attacking each other. Public officials who make a great show of attending Mass and praying regularly are also seen to be among the most corrupt and immoderately greedy. People cheat in elections, steal and kill to win or remain in power.

With even members of the clergy succumbing to the seduction of political power, proper spiritual guidance is becoming a luxury. But faith is a personal matter, and the spiritual renewal that Easter inspires ultimately lies within each individual. There is always room for hope and positive change in Christendom. On the day of the risen Christ, the faithful can resolve to abide by the teachings of their Church.

Easter is celebrated with the general elections just six weeks away. There is enough time for the faithful to help end the culture of violence and cheating which has marred all elections in this country. Clean and generally peaceful elections will be the best indication that positive change is possible in the next six years.

A happy Easter to all!

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