The Three Faces of Rizal
God writes straight in crooked lines.
-Old Portuguese saying.
In order to know the destiny of a nation, one must first open the book of its past. This from JR’s The Philippines A Century Hence.
What we have here is the resonance of truth. Yet it sounds like fiction, it has the colorings of make-believe.
Jose Rizal (JR to me) in his book points to our pre-Spanish past: our Filipino nation that ran a history of conglomeration of tribal nations with their own forms of worship, arts and culture. The Ina Poong Bato of Zambales that was symbolic of the Mother and harks back to pre-Spanish times tells of the Divine Mother- worship the Filipinos then, long before the Spaniards conquered us. It is farthest from the truth for anyone to say that the Filipinos were pagans or heathen before colonialist stepmother Spain came to subjugate us. The culture of our babaylan or priestess that has found popularity today speaks of the oldest faith and worship in the world. It is still found in Kinabuhayan, Mt. Banahaw among the Tatlong Persona Solo Diyos people of Amang Illustrisimo.
As I write this, we’re already in the next decade of the Third Millennium; yet most of us, as one wit put it, are walking backwards into the (new) future. This world is bogged down with so much intellectual and technological baggages imaginable, but man’s consciousness has remained the same in the last thousand years.
It’s the same with our nation’s past which begins far back and deeply beyond our colonized past, beyond the 400 years of our Spanish colonization, downrooting into trillions of years ago in the creation of the First Man in our original lost continent of Lemuria. “In the evolutionary cycle that never stops, Lemuria sank into the bowels of the sea and became the legend of the lost continent of Mu,” says our spiritual historian, poet Auggusta de Almeidda. In the history books of the Singaporean students, I’ve been told, the Philippines is referred to as the modern Lemuria. We are the resurrected Lemuria that the writer de Almeidda contends “is the First and Only spiritual civilization this world has ever witnessed,” and that it is the “true Filipino identity.” (See her The Philippine Human Map Unlimited
What man postulates becomes truer than what exists. He can’t understand that realities are less convincing than imagined make-believe. Our history schoolbooks postulate that there has been no significant pre-Spanish history for us. It has calcified our heads into believing the big lie that despite our indubitably endemic rich culture, rich myths and legends, that we were never a great nation before. This academic thinking persists, nailed down on us by our modern colonial masters to complete our modern-day subjugation that keep us ignorant on who we truly are: a great spiritual nation elect and chosen by God. That is why we are addressed Lupang Hinirang. We’ve hypnotized ourselves into believing that we have no history before 1521. Almost into believing we are a nation of little consequence.
We must cry out here what has been lost to us, break out of the cocoon of ignorance of racial non-identity.
There’s no accident or coincidence of event in this world. The advent of JR was of supreme importance for us and our nation. He just didn’t happen; he bulked large in our history as Emancipator; his NOLI and FILI ignited our revolution and freed us from colonialist Spain. He gave us the blueprint and guidepost of our preeminent destiny in the world.
There are three faces of JR: the Historical, the Radical, and the Mystical. The Historical Rizal is the most widely acknowledged: JR the universal genius, the hero, the patriot acknowledged and hailed everywhere. Then the Radical JR: the nationalist-reformist-propagandist who pre-empted and precipitated the Katipunan revolution led by Andres Bonifacio and deeply inspired the writings of Apolinario Mabini. They are the Tres Personas Triumvirate of their time with JR on the apex point of the Triune symbol symbolizing the Father.
We now address and announce here the Mystical JR. The spiritual Rizal, the Divine spirit that he is. Austin Coates, in his biography of Rizal, points at the mystical and spiritual Rizal. Miguel de Unamuno, the controversial Spanish philosopher, called him “The Brown Christ,” our very own Kristong Kayumanggi. How many of our people know this, or acknowledge it. The best book on our revolution is Ileto’s Pasyon and Revolution. He speaks of the spiritual guidance given our heroes, who were Masons like JR. The high mystical guidance given them was staggering.
I’m aware that I’m doing a high spiritual act; to the believers I can be a heretic and enemy. We live in a fear-based consciousness with its negative mental and psychological effects in our modern culture. The threatening specter of a colonialist religion without spiritual authority. We deny the existence of God within us. We’ve been conditioned to believe God exists only in heaven, reachable only through prayer; the fear of hell and damnation is ever present in us. Through all this we are forever separated from one another, when at all times we must aim at God-Oneness which in our beliefs we have failed to do. God is not there in the blue empyrean; He’s down here on earth because in every generation the Godman appears, God in embodiment. There is never a time when the world is without the Godman. Or the Godwoman.
It’s only in our nation that spiritual cults exist where JR is Diyos Ama, Bathalang Ama, acknowledged, revered and worshipped. In the hundred years of JR’s martyrdom, against all odds, our spiritual cults grew bigger in their existence, despite fractionalism amongst them. JR has never left the nation; he’s always been around and has given us the legacy of our preeminent destiny as a people and nation, our having been once Queen of the world, our ancient Lemuria where the First man was created in the southern region of the Sulu archipelago.
When the true Deity appears, you can tell him by this sign: only the few true believers hail him. The rest are against Him.
The Old and The New Testaments have done their time: they are the equivalents of JR’s NOLI and FILI that have both done their time. The Third Millennium is the time of the Apocalypse; it is the time of JR’s still hidden Third Novel. We the Filipino people are the actors in it. As in the Old and New Testament which belong in its entirety to the Filipino nation, our stolen birthright, we are writing the Third Testament of mankind. We have gone beyond the NOLI and FILI already. The prophecies there for our times have come into fruition. I have written about it in previous articles. Our highly spiritual legacy JR gave to us in all his extant writings.
We now undergo “the tightening shackles, imprisoning shackles of dogma and concept, humanity squeezed to the hilt and suffering as never before from a fear-based consciousness, wars dominating our lives, fear of the end of the world, corruption in high places, etc.” are nothing but birth pangs signaling the coming of the Golden Age of our Third Millennium. It will be the birth of a new Filipino nation, us becoming the “shining light in the Far East” where the Chosen Land of the New Jerusalem will rise; where death will no longer be death, from separateness will come oneness, peace and contentment will reign, and above all Love; and hate will be a thing of the past; there will no longer be greed and envy because prosperity will be for us all.
“The wealth of the world will be centered in the New Jerusalem” – Heru sa Lem rooted in the acronymic Heru sa Lemuria: our beautiful, splendid Lemuria that was “the First and Only civilization this earthworld has ever witnessed.” All racial symbols and archetypes point to a singular pre-eminent destiny for the Filipino nation.
All this takes place here, in our nation. This is the separation of the sheep from the goats. This is now the Time of Truth. And The Third Millennium is under the Dispensation of The Mother. We witness the rise of the Supreme Babaylan or Kataastaasang Babaylan, the highest priestess of ancient Lemuria in the embodiment of Reyna Yolanda L. Manalo. She of Paraiso, Nattapian, Cagayan. She’s here to close the gaps that were left gaping during the time of JR and the one hundred years of the NOLI and the FILI. The Third Millennium is the Time of the Mother. It is now a Godwoman who wields the scepter of spiritual authority over the once-Lemuria that is now the Philippines.
The final unification and truth of JR’s prophecies are finally taking place. In one of his books he declares, “magbabalik na isang mahinang binibini.”